Apr 14, 2020 | Beer, Pubs
Sneak Thief Landlords and Pub Survival is a story of viral contamination which could threaten our pub heritage in 2020. Whilst we are all looking in one direction, the sneak thief steals behind our backs and robs us of something we treasure. Today, 14th April 2020, as...
Mar 31, 2020 | Beer, General, Pubs
The Mayflower : Our pubs change with the times because they are a part of our culture. Culture itself can be defined as ‘the interface of the human psyche with the environment’, consequently, in more simple words, as the world changes so does our culture. Therefore as the world changes so do our pubs change.
Mar 9, 2020 | Beer, General, Pubs
Old London Pubs and Landscapes.Seven Sisters, North London, 2018. Old London Pubs and Landscapes Old London pubs and landscapes and their history 200 yrs ago is always interesting. In this article we can see some of what London looked like before development and place...
Jan 21, 2020 | Archaeology, Beer, History, Pubs
Beer History and Archaeology is a blend of fiction and fact. This amalgamation seems appropriate given the title and I thought I would try to merge writing as entertainment with writing as knowledge. For all those interested in brewing, beer and pubs, I would hope...
Dec 4, 2019 | Beer, Culture, Observations, Pubs
The History Behind Micropubs The history behind micropubs in the UK is intrinsically linked to the traditions of a ‘public house’. This unique history is discussed in the blog article ‘Is Pub History Real History’ but the point of this piece is...
Nov 29, 2019 | Beer, History, Pubs
The Reading Rooms, Wheathampstead 07.56 Planning a trip out tonight to go and sample The Reading Rooms Wheathampstead. A micropub with a great name for someone like me. I will get some photos and write a report here later. Lesson Number One When planning a trip out to...