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Toes Curling Crumbly Edge

Toes Curling Crumbly Edge

Where do you go when you love the awe of the universe but the religious teachings simply don't do it for you? How can we approach our inner sense of being in a language other than theology? 'Toes Curling Crumbly Edge' is a work which looks at the two great mysteries of life, what we are and where we are, through the lens of mythology. This is not the mythology of the Greeks, Romans or Vikings but the mythologies we find in the things we believe today.

Mythology is the most fascinating and essential subject in the field of human inquiry. This is the story not just of who we are but of what we believe we are. And yet, there is not a single Comparative Mythology undergraduate degree course in any university. Why exactly is that when the subject of mythology is and always has been so popular?

Sociologists and psychologists will point to their term 'belief systems' and claim that covers the operation of myth within the individual and society. But does it really? The teachings of Comparative Mythology as a discipline lead us to many perspectives on our contemporary lives. They are based on understanding rationality but appreciating the great wonder of mystery and how we have used metaphorical language to describe the indescribable.

In 'Toes Curling Crumbly Edge' we look beyond the arcane texts of theology and view a creative mythology understanding through poetry and stories. A modern-day interpretation of bardic storytelling around the fires of history and science.

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About the Book

Where do you go when you love the awe of the universe but the religious teachings simply don’t do it for you? How can we approach our inner sense of being in a language other than theology? ‘Toes Curling Crumbly Edge’ is a work which looks at the two great mysteries of life, what we are and where we are, through the lens of mythology. This is not the mythology of the Greeks, Romans or Vikings but the mythologies we find in the things we believe today.

Mythology is the most fascinating and essential subject in the field of human inquiry. This is the story not just of who we are but of what we believe we are. And yet, there is not a single Comparative Mythology undergraduate degree course in any university. Why exactly is that when the subject of mythology is and always has been so popular?

Sociologists and psychologists will point to their term ‘belief systems’ and claim that covers the operation of myth within the individual and society. But does it really? The teachings of Comparative Mythology as a discipline lead us to many perspectives on our contemporary lives. They are based on understanding rationality but appreciating the great wonder of mystery and how we have used metaphorical language to describe the indescribable.

In ‘Toes Curling Crumbly Edge’ we look beyond the arcane texts of theology and view a creative mythology understanding through poetry and stories. A modern-day interpretation of bardic storytelling around the fires of history and science

Author: Jack Adams
Series: Poetry
Genres: Writing, Poems, Stories
Tags: 2020, Recommended Books
Publisher: HRTVSH Ltd
Publication Year: 2020
Format: Paperback
Length: 42 pages
ASIN: B0858S8N9C
ISBN: 9798619695014
List Price: £10.00
Jack Adams

I write because I have stories to tell and over the years I have been lucky enough to live an un-ordinary life. At the age of 63, I have decided that this is what I want to do between now and when I die. I can't think of anything better to do really.

My first works form a series called "The MANual". They are simple works, observations about the life of being a man. As a set of work they represent me warming up my writing skills and getting into the swim of producing work on a monthly basis.

My aim is more to entertain and delight than anything else.

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